Swiss Union of Russian Schools - SwissURS

Join us in enriching the education of the Russian language and culture while fostering a vibrant community in Switzerland.

Dear colleagues, heads of schools, children's centers, clubs, teachers, artists, psychologists, logopaedists and active parents!

In 2025, with the aim of sharing experience and preserving Russian language, the Swiss Union of Russian schools has scheduled to organise "Days of Russian language & culture" & a series of events in three cities of Switzerland.

We invite you to the online round table as a preparatory stage for the above-mentioned events. We are also looking forward to receiving your proposals on the issues relevant to you to cover them at the conference.

Online registration for the round table is open at until 10 January 2025. Registration is possible by e-mail:

Empowering Russian Language Education

We promote Russian language and culture in Switzerland, fostering collaboration among schools and communities through resources, events, and an annual conference.

a person in a graduation cap
a person in a graduation cap
Saint Basil's Cathedral, Moscow, Russia
Saint Basil's Cathedral, Moscow, Russia
mountain covered by snow under blue sky
mountain covered by snow under blue sky

Our Mission

Join us to enhance education, celebrate heritage, and strengthen connections among Russian-speaking communities in Switzerland through workshops, discussions, and cultural experiences.

Our Initiatives

Empowering Russian language and culture through collaboration and community engagement in Switzerland.

Annual Conference

Join educators and community leaders for workshops, discussions, and cultural events celebrating our heritage.

men and women sitting on chairs inside room
men and women sitting on chairs inside room
Resource Sharing

Collaborate with other schools to share teaching methodologies and enhance the educational experience for students.

books on brown wooden shelf
books on brown wooden shelf

Cultural Showcase

Explore our vibrant gallery celebrating Russian language and culture in Switzerland.

landscape photography of trees
landscape photography of trees
aerial view photography of buildings during daytime
aerial view photography of buildings during daytime
a wall covered in lots of graffiti and writing
a wall covered in lots of graffiti and writing
brown buildings near beside calm body of water
brown buildings near beside calm body of water

Поздравляем с наступающими праздниками

сотрудников и учредителей Ассоциации русских школ за рубежом, коллег, учителей, директоров, администраторов, юристов, бухгалтеров, издательства, чиновников, меценатов, добровольцев, ученых-русистов, методистов, а также психологов, логопедов и многих других всех, кто работает на благо и продвижение русского языка и культуры за рубежом!

Пожелаем Вам здоровья, новых целей и новых достижений - вместе мы можем так много!

Особой консолидации и поддержки мы желаем школам в странах с недружественным к русскому языку и культуре правительством и приглашаем Вас к участию в онлайн круглом столе "Проведение Дней русского языка и культуры в Европе 2024-2025" Лучший опыт, камни преткновения, возможности финансирования, перспективы и кризис-менеджмент - темы обсуждений онлайн круглого стола.

Место проведения: онлайн (Zoom), ссылка будет направлена после регистрации
Когда: 29.1.25 19.00 - 20.00 (по Цюриху) - 21.00-22.00 по Москве
Регистрация выступающих до 10.01.25 на

Отдельную благодарность выражаем Департаменту внешнеэкономических и международных связей города Москвы и Ассоциацию книгоиздателей России (АСКИ) за поддержку школы "Лукоморье" в виде учебной и художественной литературы 80 наименований в количестве 466 шт.

Здоровья, новых целей и новых достижений!

С уважением и любовью к русскому языку и России,
Беляева Кристина Сергеевна
Директор школы "Лукоморье" (школьная рассылка с видео и информацией
Председатель Союза русских школ Швейцарии

Get in Touch with Us

We welcome your inquiries and look forward to having you at our conference!

a close up of a guitar laying on a bed of hay
a close up of a guitar laying on a bed of hay